Perform data cleanup, processing, and verification. Document data workflows, data sources, and data limitations. Create, develop, automate, and implement data workflows. Perform data analyses and computation using Esri's GIS Platform to deliver the latest digital mapping solutions available.
Whether converting data from geo-referenced surveys, on screen digitizing, importing GPS data, or sourcing public and private data, GHB can provide the necessary support for your projects.
View SampleConvert and transform both vector and raster geospatial data to using all types of formats including SHP, KML, GPX, DXF, CSV, JSON, Esri File Geodatabase, GeoTiff, and many others.
View SampleUsing the latest tools to determine relationships, understand and describe locations and events, detect and quantify patterns, make predictions, and find the best locations and paths.
View SampleData creation includes workflows which allow extraction in digital form of real world data to be used for analysis and visualizaton?
Important geospatial information is contained in a wide variety of maps available in the form of images and CAD data. The conventional approach is to manually extract data and store it in digital format. We can scan maps, georeference and assign real world coordinates and convert images to valuable geo-spatial information.
View SampleA wide variety of data used in GIS are encoded in raster format. Those formats include digital elevation data, satellite images, digital orthophotos, scanned maps, and graphic files.
Raster data falls into four main categories, "Raster as basemaps", "Raster as surface maps", "Raster as thematic maps", and "Raster as attributes of a feature. Measurements values can also be broken into four types; ratio, interval, ordinal, and nominal. The picture to the right is an example of raster interval data. Raster Interval data can include the Fahrenheit temperature scale, and pH values. The values are on a linear scale but is not relative to a zero point. For example 0° does not indicate that no temperature exists and 0 feet does not indicate a lack of elevation because it indicates mean sea level.
Demo AppNew Hampshires's Statewide GIS Clearinghouse
New Hampshires County Registries Of Deeds
Carroll County Registry Of Deeds
MassGIS serves the public and private sectors by supporting emergency response, real-estate research, environmental planning and management, transportation planning, economic development and engineering services. We also help to provide transparency in state and municipal government operations
This site provides you with quick access to land records across the State
Vermont Center for Geographic Information
VCGI coordinates, curates, publishes, and provides Vermont-specific digital, spatial information that others use to make maps, whether those are online or in print.
The University of Connecticut Library MAGIC (Map and Geographic Information Center), collaborates with agencies, organizations, and centers to provide the public with access to digital access to maps, atlases, aerial photographs, and geospatial data pertaining to the state of Connecticut, New England and the world.
Recorded documents are assigned a sequential identifying number (known as the book and page number) and are then scanned into the registry's computer system. The resulting images are available for viewing and printing from public access terminals at the registry and at your home or office over the Internet. In addition, all registries microfilm all recorded documents and most continue to produce record books containing document images on paper. In most cases, original documents are returned to the land owner. To assist customers in finding relevant documents, registries create a searchable index that contains the names of all parties to a document and the property address.
Since the Clerk's offices are powered by Cott Systems, our unique and powerful integration brings you timely and reliable information, often within minutes of recording. All information found in the portal is linked directly to each Town Clerk’s recording system powered by Cott Systems Inc., including the hosting and management of this portal.
Avitar Associates (Municipal Services Company)
Avitar Associates of New England, Inc. was established in 1986 by the current CEO, Gary J. Roberge. Since then, our goal has always been to provide municipalities with professional and cost-effective assessing and tax billing services, along with the right software to do the job easily and affordably.
Avitar Associates of New England (Online Database)
This site hosts assessing data for numerous communities throughout the State of New Hampshire..
CAMA Appraisal Software
Avitar Associates of New England (Online Database)
Assessor's Online Databases
This website offers an archive of scanned manual shaded relief for use by digital mapmakers. Much of the relief art found here is georeferenced and customized to fit modern drainage vectors. All shaded relief data are free and useable for commercial and other purposes.
A tool for drawing and exporting simple contour maps.
Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.
The U.S. Drought Monitor is produced through a partnership between the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Convert Pixels To Points.
Convert Points to Pixels.
Use the largest library in the world online or in person!.
Example: Franquelin’s map of Louisiana
Franquelin’s map of Louisiana
NOAA (National Weather Service)
Provide weather, water and climate data, forecasts, warnings, and impact-based decision support services for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy.
International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS)
The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) project is the most complete global collection of tropical cyclones available. It merges recent and historical tropical cyclone data from multiple agencies to create a unified, publicly available, best-track dataset that improves inter-agency comparisons. IBTrACS was developed collaboratively with all the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres, as well as other organizations and individuals from around the world.
Copernicus, Europe's eyes on Earth
Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation program. Information from this program is provided through six thematic services: land, marine, atmosphere, climate change, emergency management and security. All information is free and openly accessible to all users. The Land Service is divided into four main components
Copernicus Land Cover Download
The CORINE Land Cover (CLC) inventory was initiated in 1985 (reference year 1990). Updates have been produced in 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018. It consists of an inventory of land cover in 44 classes.
Zillow Housing Data
Remote Sensing Indices Database
IDB is a tool for working with remote sensing Indices
List of available Indices for a specific sensor and specific topic.
National Geographic is allowing everyone to easily download any USGS 7.5 minute topo map in the continental U.S. as a multi-page PDF that can be printed on letter size paper on any printer. These are the same topographic maps that were published by the U.S. Geological Survey for decades, with nice additional features from their much-loved, but discontinued TOPO! software product, including:
NOTE: Since the USGS stopped updating their printed topos decades ago, some of these maps do not accurately reflect the current landscape. For the most detailed and up-to-date maps of popular outdoors recreation areas, we recommend their Trails Illustrated Maps
The ArcGIS Living Atlas is a collection of geographic information from around the globe. It includes maps, apps, and data layers. Login required for subscriber and premium content.
TOpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.
You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence. The full legal code explains your rights and responsibilities.
An online search, discovery, and ordering tool of satellite, aircraft, and other remote sensing inventories through interactive and textual-based query capabilities.
TopoView shows the many and varied topographic maps of each of these areas through history. This can be particularly useful for historical purposes, such as finding the names of natural and cultural features that have changed over time.
NASA' Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
SEDAC, the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center, is one of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) in the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Focusing on human interactions in the environment, SEDAC has as its mission to develop and operate applications that support the integration of socioeconomic and earth science data and to serve as an "Information Gateway" between earth sciences and social sciences.
OpenTopography facilitates community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources.
Find geographic data and products such as the TIGER/Line Shapefiles, KMLs, TIGERweb, cartographic boundary files, geographic relationship files, and reference and thematic maps
The UN Environment Programme offers more than 15,000 items, from real-time data tools and platforms to key reports, publications, fact sheets, interactives and more.
World Environment Situation Room
Data, Information and Knowledge on the Environment
NEO provides climate and environmental changes as they occur on our home planet. You can browse and download imagery of satellite data from NASA’s constellation of Earth Observing System satellites. Over 50 different global datasets are represented with daily, weekly, and monthly snapshots, and images are available in a variety of formats including JPEG, PNG, Google Earth, and GeoTIFF.
NASA Earth Science Data
The European Space Agency’s Sentinel satellite is now the highest spatial resolution available to the public for free.
Access to Sentinel data via download
The free, full and open data policy adopted for the Copernicus programme foresees access available to all users for the Sentinel data products.
GIS Geography | How to Download Free Sentinel Satellite Data
IPUMS International is dedicated to collecting and distributing census microdata from around the world. The project goals are to collect and preserve data and documentation, harmonize data, and disseminate the harmonized data free of charge.
TIHGIS provides shapefiles to describe the boundaries of administrative and statistical units represented in IHGIS data files. By linking the data tables to the boundary files, you can map the characteristics in the data tables.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With 195 members - 194 countries and the European Union, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide.
FAO Map Catalog
A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Maritime Safety Office
Provide global maritime geospatial intelligence in support of national security objectives, including safety of navigation, international obligations, and joint military operations.
Download Piracy Geospatial Files
The Worldwide Threats to Shipping Report, compiled and published weekly by the Office of Naval Intelligence, contains a summary of recent piracy acts and hostile actions against commercial shipping worldwide, organized by geographic region. The report also includes any recent developments in the efforts to prevent piracy and prosecute the aggressors.
Living Atlas World Imagery
Wayback is a digital archive, providing users with access to the different versions of World Imagery created over time. Each layer in the archive represents a snapshot of the entire World Imagery map, as it existed on the date it was published. Wayback currently provides access to all published versions of World Imagery, dating back to February 20, 2014. There is an ArcGIS Online item for every version which can be accessed directly from this app or within the Wayback Imagery group. The source code for this app is available on Github.
Source Code Available on Github
This app provides a dynamic browsing experience where previous World Imagery versions are presented within the map, along a timeline, and as a list. Versions that resulted in local changes are dynamically presented to the user based on location and scale. Preview changes by hovering and/or selecting individual layers. When ready, one or more Wayback layers can be added to an export queue and pushed to a new ArcGIS Online web map.
A library of handcrafted vector linework for cartography, each designed in a unique aesthetic style. They are meant to break us away from default line paths that we so often rely on by providing more visually-interesting alternatives.
by Daniel Huffman, founder and curator
United Bureau of Transportation Statistics
BTS is one of more than a dozen principal federal statistical agencies. Learn about BTS, the federal statistical community, and the policies and methods they use to develop accurate, objective information
Bureau of Transportation; Data, Maps, Applications
BTS develops geospatial information and visualization tools, conducts spatial and network analyses, develops performance measures related to the transportation network and geographic accessibility provided by the network, prepares maps, coordinates the transportation layer of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, and publishes the National Transportation Atlas Database. BTS employs high quality cartography and innovative web applications to produce relevant, high quality, timely, comparable, complete, and accessible geospatial products and statistical visualizations.
Bureau of Transportation; Airlines, Airports, and Aviation
Check out quick links for popular air carrier statistics, including information on airline passenger counts and cargo between individual airports, airline ticket prices, on-time performance by carrier and flight, and airline finance, employment, fuel costs.
58k Air Traffic Routes in one map (ArcGIS Pro)
Over 58,000 air traffic routes visualized in one map...using ArcGIS Pro
NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is a key core capability in NASA's Earth Science Data Systems Program for archiving and distributing Earth Science data from multiple missions to users.
A NASA Earthdata login is required to download the files. Tiles come as zipped SRTMHGT files at 1-arcsecond resolution (3601x3601 pixels) in a latitude/longitude projection (EPSG:4326), downloaded from NASA servers. For the older and coarser 90-meter data, try this downloader. For manual bulk downloads, a GeoJSON indexing DEM file names lives here; use this base URL. By Derek Watkins. Built with Mapbox GL JS. Tiles from CartoDB. Questions or comments to dwtkns at gmail.
At night, satellite images of Earth capture a uniquely human signal--artificial lighting. Remotely-sensed lights at night provide a new data source for improving our understanding of interactions between human systems and the environment. NASA has developed the Black Marble, a daily calibrated, corrected, and validated product suite, so nightlight data can be used effectively for scientific observations. Black Marble is playing a vital role in research on light pollution, illegal fishing, fires, disaster impacts and recovery, and human settlements and associated energy infrastructures.
LAADS DAAC (Archive Center) Night Band
The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) supports a Day-Night Band (DNB) sensor that provides global daily measurements of nocturnal visible and near-infrared (NIR) light that are suitable for Earth system science and applications.
LAADS DAAC primarily archives and distributes data on clouds, water vapor, and aerosols in Earth’s atmosphere as well as key instrument data for NASA, NOAA and European Space Administration missions. LAADS DAAC also serves as a backup source for MODIS and VIIRS land products.
GEBCO (Gridded Bathymetry Data)
GEBCO’s current gridded bathymetric data set, the GEBCO_2022 Grid, is a global terrain model for ocean and land, providing elevation data, in meters, on a 15 arc-second interval grid. It is accompanied by a Type Identifier (TID) Grid that gives information on the types of source data that the GEBCO_2022 Grid is based on.
GEBCO (Gridded Bathymetry Data) Data Download
The General bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) consists of an international group of experts in ocean mapping. Our aim is to provide the most authoritative publicly-available bathymetry of the world's oceans.
This site started out as a resource for cartographers creating shaded relief, panoramas, land cover, and related raster art on maps. It has since grown to include my other cartographic interests and has become a repository for my maps, all of which are in the public domain.
The depiction of terrain on maps is undergoing a renaissance due to new digital techniques. As demonstrated by the images above, one can represent the same terrain many different ways. To give mapmakers and researchers "common ground" for comparative experimentation, we offer sample Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) available in two categories: multi-resolution and archetypal landforms. ...Site created by Tom Patterson
To respond to growing needs for high-quality elevation data, the goal of 3DEP is to complete acquisition of nationwide lidar (IfSAR in AK) to provide the first-ever national baseline of consistent high-resolution topographic elevation data – both bare earth and 3D point clouds.
USGS Product Downloads
Have a specific applicaton in mind? Contact Us @
Dataset consists of 0.30-meter, 4 band natural color orthoimages covering approximately 9,329 square miles (including water) over the New Hampshire State Wide area and its offshore islands. Orthoimagery combines the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map.
View SampleThe National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) acquires aerial imagery during the agriculture growing seasons in the continental U.S. NAIP imagery is leveraged in many ways not limited to land classification, real estate land sales, development, environmental issues, map changes and education.
View SampleTo allow residents to visualize tax revenue shift of town properties. This application was created to compare before and after assessed values. Source: Department of Revenue Parcels and attribute data downloaded from NH Granit. Residents can view Land Use, Zoning, Tax Map Index, and Tax Parcels
View SampleThese basemaps are delivered as vector tiles (PBF format) that are rendered client-side based on a style file that is delivered with the vector tiles. Vector basemaps are available in Map Viewer and Scene Viewer, as well as in ArcGIS Pro. Custom basemaps available to meet project needs. Contact us at